my individualist manifesto, of sorts—more a personal declaration

January 10, 2012

Here lie meandering thoughts along pathways unlaid by others, but known to me nonetheless My goal in life, my destiny (eh), if you will, is to be a bastion, a paragon, the utmost shining example of an individualist—to continue the lionization of individuality and individualism. This is my individualist manifesto, of sorts. Apparently, i scream uniqueness, wearing it across my face—metal-pierced flesh—and smeared along my skin as tattooed pain. My aura, actions and mindset together… Read more of: my individualist manifesto, of sorts—more a personal declaration

an introduction to Mental Ephemera

December 8, 2011

I had totally forgotten about this post, written almost in its entirety during January. It was supposed to be the new About page, but clearly that didn’t happen. I think this post is an awesome appendage to the current About, which is more about its author, since it works as an introduction to Mental Ephemera as a whole. So, without further ado: I figured i’d address some things. Once i end my hiatus in 2012,… Read more of: an introduction to Mental Ephemera

slow dancing in a burning room

December 1, 2011

Life is veritably—if one believes in myths as truth, as monuments—a candle slowly, painstakingly, unbeknownst and unheralded or conspicuous, burning. Each of our predominately phallic wax statuses is ever-inching towards finality—we will come to the placeholder one day, dust, ash, wax, everything asunder. The key is to recognize the inevitable iceberg. Once approached and landed upon, we will have two choices (minimally): to dive into the depths surrounding, searching for more. Or, stricken with fear,… Read more of: slow dancing in a burning room