of muses, of lovers, friends and others

February 16, 2012

In case yet said along parchment rooftops cursive or ruled awnings bold:   Women are God’s gifts laid upon Earth’s mantled soul. Born in whispers A muse is more than mere influences.   Existing in a word Living off sentences Birthing paragraphs silent Raising chapters alone Destroyer of books Standing atop volumes Queen of sounds Empress of visions Goddess of gods Breaker of hearts. She is The ultimate lover. ~m.j   Conceived as prose, transformed… Read more of: of muses, of lovers, friends and others

friends are good

February 12, 2011

Coinciding with a recent discontinuation of intimacy, i’ve been embracing and uncovering the need for close friends. A great convo the last week w/ my good, good friend @StephSwinton (kickass birthday gathering!), nudged me through the blogging door for this post. During our exchange, i remarked to her my realization that friends aren’t a bad thing. That opening up is something i’ve needed to learn to do. True opening up. Not the mirage i’ve done for… Read more of: friends are good