apps i loved when i had an android phone

January 22, 2011

So, this post is at the request of good friend, @ChadJMarchong. He’s jumping into the Android world, and he asked me for a post with app recommendations being that i’m a former G1 owner, proclaiming it the best phone OS. I figured, though, why not do a write-up of kick-ass Android apps? I still know the ones i loved, and i’m sure with a quick search, i can find out their latest versions and new features.… Read more of: apps i loved when i had an android phone

become a patron of the arts—of writing, of film, of … whatever

November 14, 2010

Often, I stumble upon an engrossing website or an excellent blog post or WordPress plugin, and I immediately think about donating to the cause, but for whatever reason, I rarely ever give. Usually a lack of a “donate” button (from PayPal or Amazon) deters me from doing so. There is now a fix: new micro-payment/donating service Flattr. What’s cool about is that it allows you to financially support writing or videos or plugins (or whatever!)… Read more of: become a patron of the arts—of writing, of film, of … whatever