No, Rihanna is not responsible for your child

February 25, 2012

With the recent social media mosh pit over Chris Brown and Rihanna’s rekindling, at least for music’s sake, i’ve seen the word “responsibility” thrown around all willy-nilly. It has been said that she is not upholding her responsibility to her impressionable young fans. Ummm. Wait. What!? Since when did releasing music come with the caveat that someone must now be given extraneous responsibilities? Ahh, probably when Americans began to blame others for their faulty parenting.… Read more of: No, Rihanna is not responsible for your child

stream of consciousness #0009: music is god’s daddy & mommy

February 15, 2012

There is a train of thought that is constantly chugging along the great mental metal of minds too great to fail. That was the thought pattern behind the Titanic—right? Or, was that off since it wasn’t a train, but a large ship atop water, the icy depths of death soon awaiting its foolish passengers believing they could tackle the grandest of behemoths that are the oceans of the earth? Foolish pride is not pitied. Or,… Read more of: stream of consciousness #0009: music is god’s daddy & mommy

Ayn Rand’s Night of January 16th

February 4, 2012

Last night i caught a showing of a play performed on campus: Ayn Rand’s The Night of January 16th. “Your life, your achievements, your happiness, your person are of paramount importance. Live up to your highest vision of yourself no matter what the circumstances you might encounter. An exalted view of self-esteem is a man’s most admirable quality.” — Night of January 16th by Ayn Rand, Definitive Edition, Introduction I loved the line, “I’m an atheist—there’s no use… Read more of: Ayn Rand’s Night of January 16th

Individuals have power, too—not just gods

December 9, 2011

Far too many times people use (g)God(s) or religion as a crutch more than as a springboard. Owning up to one’s prowess and greatness takes courage. Dr. Cornell West maintains that it takes courage “to love,” “to have faith,” “to hope,” and other such actions and held beliefs (Terence Blanchard’s Choices, “Winding Roads”). Well, not being afraid and realizing the power within takes courage, too. Responsibility is often a burden that, at times, people do not… Read more of: Individuals have power, too—not just gods