Autodidacticism, hello friend.

December 23, 2011

People ask questions but rarely seek answers. There’s a timidity when it comes to knowledge. Fear not, it won’t bite. Seeking own knowledge—the path of autodidacticism—will thaw the frozen ascetic within, inflamming a mental tazmanian devil, ready to devour tomes and submerge itself in the wells of experiences. Moving nomadically, each new desire allowed to grow to adolescence, forming relationship after relationship, long-lasting, of course, but some ephemeral, is both the good and bad. Ask… Read more of: Autodidacticism, hello friend.

i told a stranger

December 8, 2011

Several months ago, i told a stranger of my continued loss of affection for New York̬how i couldn’t wait to leave. Except, i’d probably have to stay—it would be the smart thing to do, financially and professionally—for a few more years, at least. I’ll admit, she wasn’t really a stranger, actually, but might as well have been since we only knew each other from a class the previous semester, having bartered only some sentences over… Read more of: i told a stranger