writers, photographers look: 25 short stories project

January 23, 2011

I’m a big fan of @Kickstarter! They have kick ass projects. I love books. I’m a writer. An emerging one at that. Combine those ingredients, and you’ll understand why i fell in love with Avery Anthology’s 25 Short Stories Project and pledged to fund. I’ve embedded the project’s video below, but in case you’re on a Flash-less phone and can’t view it, here’s the skinny: For the past four years, Avery has scoured America in search… Read more of: writers, photographers look: 25 short stories project

creatives + non-profits, solve your funding problem: Kickstarter kicks ass; IndieGogo does, too

[Update at the bottom: 1/24/2011] Many of us have wonderful, creative ideas. We believe they will be the biggest thing since Facebook or Mooz-lum The Movie. But, before we can deliver it to the world, we need funding. That’s where Kickstarter comes in. It revolves around crowdfunding. Basically, you post a description and video of the backstory and purpose of your project, sharing with others why it would be great to pledge funds. Of course,… Read more of: creatives + non-profits, solve your funding problem: Kickstarter kicks ass; IndieGogo does, too