tagli.us, a new social alternative to delicious

January 23, 2011

Two days before my post about never having to forget a link again w/ trunk.ly, i pledged to tagli.us. The goal of this project was to be an alternative to the hospice-residing delicious bookmarking service. Combining bookmarking and social networking, tagli.us aims to fill a void. It seemed great at the time, but after learning about and using trunk.ly, tagli.us seems a little too late. At least on “paper.” The biggest thing it has going… Read more of: tagli.us, a new social alternative to delicious

with trunk.ly, “never forget a link again!”

January 19, 2011

The Web is all about sharing links, sharing information. It’s typical on any given day to view dozens of websites and share just as many news articles or gossip or music with family and friends on Facebook, Twitter or via email. What’s also typical, is a lack of search dedicated to links we share. Often, i will vaguely recall where i stumbled upon some tidbit of information weeks (or even days) before. Google isn’t always… Read more of: with trunk.ly, “never forget a link again!”