Built my Online Bookshelf Surrounded by Physical Books

February 4, 2012

Several times over the past couple of years, i decided to migrate … well, more like copy … my physical books to the digital realm while sitting in the library. That is to say, i haven’t purchased or found a free way to have digital copies of the books—only a catalogue. Man, i should’ve just said that from jump. Anyway…I like instant access to knowledge, to lists—which is probably why i love the Interwebs so… Read more of: Built my Online Bookshelf Surrounded by Physical Books

apps i loved when i had an android phone

January 22, 2011

So, this post is at the request of good friend, @ChadJMarchong. He’s jumping into the Android world, and he asked me for a post with app recommendations being that i’m a former G1 owner, proclaiming it the best phone OS. I figured, though, why not do a write-up of kick-ass Android apps? I still know the ones i loved, and i’m sure with a quick search, i can find out their latest versions and new features.… Read more of: apps i loved when i had an android phone

choices to be made: Kindle 3 or Nook Color?

December 28, 2010

I’ll come right out the gate with what you want to know: i decided on a Nook Color. I’m sure my friend @Pat_B_Sure is saying, “Ha! I told you so” right about now, but that’s only because he thinks he’s won the war in our Nook vs Kindle disputes. Well, in a way, sure; but ultimately, i’ve won. The consumer is always right! (Pat works for Barnes & Noble, by the way.) After chiding (jokingly)… Read more of: choices to be made: Kindle 3 or Nook Color?