Built my Online Bookshelf Surrounded by Physical Books

February 4, 2012

Several times over the past couple of years, i decided to migrate … well, more like copy … my physical books to the digital realm while sitting in the library. That is to say, i haven’t purchased or found a free way to have digital copies of the books—only a catalogue. Man, i should’ve just said that from jump. Anyway…I like instant access to knowledge, to lists—which is probably why i love the Interwebs so… Read more of: Built my Online Bookshelf Surrounded by Physical Books

Donate Your Idle CPU Time

January 11, 2012

For those like me who keep their computers at home and at work on all the time, here’s a simple way to put them to use while away: it’s called volunteer computing. Basically, your computer gives some of its resources to assist in various scientific or academic research projects. It’s important because there are > billion computers in the world, but most of them are not being used to anywhere near full capacity, especially sitting… Read more of: Donate Your Idle CPU Time

How I Use Gmail to Organize my Electronic Missives

January 9, 2012

From inception and through growing adoption over the past decade, email has been lauded and defined as a means to reduce clutter and headache, so much so, it has devolved into an experience, a nuisance really, reminiscent of what it was supposed to replace, or reduce tremendously, at least: physical letters and packages. Spam is annoying. Google, seven years ago with the beta release of Gmail, looked to curtail our issues with too much information… Read more of: How I Use Gmail to Organize my Electronic Missives

(BlackBerry app review) Wicked Blogging App

January 7, 2011

If you’re anything like me, you live on your phone. I text, BBM, read and reply to emails, Tweet and Facebook, pay bills, and order stuff and books online through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Up until a few days ago, i essentially did everything but blog. I’m a WordPress advocate—well, more like fanatic—and was dismayed by the lackluster official WordPress for BlackBerry app. It was limited. I’ve noticed a trend in “official” apps for… Read more of: (BlackBerry app review) Wicked Blogging App

with AppleTV, there’s little need for cable

January 6, 2011

I don’t own a TV. I haven’t for about a year and a half now. Even when i did, i barely watched it or played videogames (sadly, another pastime that fell by the wayside). Throughout 2010, i accrued a renewed interest in TV thanks to some awesome shows, like Mad Men, Big Bang Theory, Criminal Minds, NCIS, House, Covert Affairs and Leverage. With the proliferation and adoption of all things Internet-based, i’ve been able to… Read more of: with AppleTV, there’s little need for cable

freedom to read (on any device)

December 31, 2010

With the proliferation of digital readers and assorted touch screen tablets, there’s an increase in the desire to read books, magazines, PDFs, etc. while on the go. We’re an increasingly mobile society, so being able to learn or be entertained wherever we are is important. Heck, i rarely go anywhere without my MacBook, and never without my BlackBerry (even the bathroom, sadly). I love having access to my library (or as much of it as… Read more of: freedom to read (on any device)

short-term influence of free digital versions on book sales

December 6, 2010

With the growing purveyance of digital books and ebook readers flooding the publishing and consumer markets, respectively, it was apropos stumbling upon this paper by John Hilton III and David Wiley of the Journal of Electric Publishing, tackling the question that’s on many authors’ and publishers’ minds: Increasingly, authors and publishers are freely distributing their books electronically to increase the visibility of their work. A vital question for those with a commercial stake in selling… Read more of: short-term influence of free digital versions on book sales

become a patron of the arts—of writing, of film, of … whatever

November 14, 2010

Often, I stumble upon an engrossing website or an excellent blog post or WordPress plugin, and I immediately think about donating to the cause, but for whatever reason, I rarely ever give. Usually a lack of a “donate” button (from PayPal or Amazon) deters me from doing so. There is now a fix: new micro-payment/donating service Flattr. What’s cool about is that it allows you to financially support writing or videos or plugins (or whatever!)… Read more of: become a patron of the arts—of writing, of film, of … whatever