Far too many times people use (g)God(s) or religion as a crutch more than as a springboard.
Owning up to one’s prowess and greatness takes courage. Dr. Cornell West maintains that it takes courage “to love,” “to have faith,” “to hope,” and other such actions and held beliefs (Terence Blanchard’s Choices, “Winding Roads”). Well, not being afraid and realizing the power within takes courage, too.
Responsibility is often a burden that, at times, people do not want to carry—such obligation(s) can be stunting or debilitating through pressure. Distress is paralyzing; eustress, galvanizing. It’s not shocking that an outlet, a reprieve of sorts, is looked for in the form of another being not human; but it’s unfortunate when own strength is disregarded as a reward from the same outside entity and not acknowledged as inner power.
The aim here is not to strip away anyone’s faith nor question their beliefs but to renew the confidence of self; to regain the shining light that resides on the inside, allowing it to spread forth from within.
There are issues that can be overcome if looked at after one has witnessed her reflection in the mirror, looked past the limits of her flesh, into the eyes of her mind and at the spirit of the skills she possesses, taking stock of her accomplishments lined up with her goals’ placeholders. It can be a scary revelation, but one that causes exhalation.
In Sacred Cows, Nikki Giovanni touches upon the lack of ownership of success by young Black folks, especially men. She speaks on the deteriorated Black “leadership” who’ve managed to inculcate their followers into believing the White man owns them, is the true driver of their success (or failures). This was succinct and annoyed me. Not her words, but the truth behind them, because it fits perfectly in line with my beliefs of the ills of the world: no one takes their own strength for truth, for what it’s worth—always someone (White man) or an idea or entity (God/gods) that receive credit. I push against it, preemptively and as a reactionary tactic.
If by continuing to spread the gospel of individuality, i lose good favor in the eyes of an assumed existence of divinity or an entity greater than myself concerned with the trivial daily inner-workings of man, then so be it; i feel it a necessary loss to encourage and push fellow humans forward and toward their own greatness, utilizing what’s truly within already.