revolution truth (trailer for WikiLeaks movie)

This will be a very short piece only because i want it to reach the 2:22pm slot for today. It’s already 2:21pm lol. I saw this randomly on my Facebook news feed from WikiLeaks, which doesn’t have anything to do w/ the trailer below.

Anyway, this is film for a cause that i wholeheartedly support: transparency and anti-censorhip. I don’t believe in a large government and even less the continued cloak and dagger politics that the US government has increasingly employed over the last century.

The importance and goals of WikiLeaks are not to harm other people-—our officials and operatives abroad—but to shine light on the dishonesty, corruption and secrets of our government. By looking at the leaked documents, we learn definitely of the lies Bush spewed, grabbing the public’s “approval” to engage in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: the ploy that they harbored Al-Qaeda (which we still don’t know exists for sure) and were producing nuclear weapons (not true), amongst other untruths.

I hope to promote the still-in-progress documentary/film on WikiLeaks and its co-founder, Julian Assange.

Aaaaand, i’m out.

Look forward to other posts w/n the next week—i know i’ve been behind.

Thanks for reading 🙂


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